A technical team comprising geologists and mining engineers of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, has begun a compliance inspection of underground mine facilities of the Bea Mountain Mining Company in Grand Cape Mount County.
Bea Mountain is a Class ‘A’ mining company operating under a Mineral Development Agreement (MDA), and is the largest industrial gold mining company in Liberia.
The inspection is considering conditions of the mines, ensuring that key components of operating processes and procedures are coherent with provisions of the Minerals and Mining Law, and regulations.
According to a release from the Mines and Energy Ministry, the technical assessment team is inspecting all underground mines of Bea Mountain which include Kinjor, Larjor, Marvoe, DdaBlama, and Weajue.
The geophysical, geotechnical and geological conditions of the various galleries of those mines are being inspected by the Mines and Energy Ministry in order to determine the level of health and safety measures and at the same time ensure that the company is carrying out its mining operations according to plans submitted to the Ministry.
The Mines and Energy Ministry’s inspection team arrived in Kinjor over the weekend, headed by Mining Engineer, Adolphus Gleekai, who is the Deputy Inspector-General for Mines.
This compliance monitoring, the Ministry said, is done routinely at all mining companies in order to ensure proper regulation of the sector, boost investors’ confidence, and enhance revenue generation to support national development programs of the government.